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Recorded Albums/Singles


1984/1989: Shalamar Solar Records, “Footloose”

“Heartbreak”, “Circumstantial Evidence”, “Wake Up”.


1994-Crown of Thorns / Interscope records


1995-“Micki Free Gypsy Cowboy” / Brunette Record Japan


2003-“Micki Free The Sun Chaser” Native American Flute Love Songs


2004- “Micki Free Sedona Free”, “Micki Free Comanche”


2005-“Micki Free Experience” / Livewire Records London


2010- “Micki Free American Horse” / Native Music Rocks Records


2015-“American Trash” / Frontiers Records


2016-“Micki Free The Native American Flute as Therapy”


2017-“Tattoo Burn Redux”  / Dark Idol Music Co.


2022-“Micki Free Turquoise Blue” / Dark Idol Music Co.


2023- “Micki Free We Are One” / Dark Idol Music Co.


2024-“ Micki Free Dream Catcher” / BungaloRecords/Universal Music Group

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